Reception of Antiquity

La Antigüedad como argumento: su uso en la heráldica municipal navarra

Modern History / Historiography / Visual Arts / Reception of Antiquity / Use of Classical Antiquity / History of Navarre / Antikenrezeption / Tradition of Classical antiquity / Heraldic / History of Navarre / Antikenrezeption / Tradition of Classical antiquity / Heraldic

Ius publicum y ius privatum en la experiencia histórica del Derecho. Un ejemplo insólito en las Distinciones de Bártolo expuestas a través de esquemas.

Legal History / Roman Law / Private law / Reception of Antiquity / Public Law / Derecho Privado / Historia del Derecho / Droit Romain / Derecho Romano / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Derecho Público / Bartolo Da Sassoferrato / Accursius / Derecho Privado / Historia del Derecho / Droit Romain / Derecho Romano / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Derecho Público / Bartolo Da Sassoferrato / Accursius

Competencias directivas: el Oráculo de los Clásicos

Management / Ancient History / Latin Literature / Greek History / Roman History / Human Resource Management / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Human Resource Management / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology

[CALL FOR PAPERS] III Jornadas Predoctorales del CDL Alicante en Historia Antigua, Arqueología y Filología Clásica: \"La Antigüedad contada y el recreado Mundo Antiguo\"; 27, 28 y 29 de mayo de 2015. Sede principal del CDL Alicante (Alicante, España).

Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman) / Early Christianity / Late Antiquity / Ancient Near East / Ancient Egyptian History / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Greece (History) / Antiquity / Ancient Rome / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Greece (History) / Antiquity / Ancient Rome

Revisitando el ejército romano: una aproximación a su representación cinematográfica

Ancient History / History and Classical tradition studies / Roman military history / Cinema / Classical Reception Studies / Antiquity in Film / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Rome / Cinema and History / Peplum Movies Cinema Antiquity / Antiquity in Film / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Rome / Cinema and History / Peplum Movies Cinema Antiquity

Paz y guerra en los mitos: la reina Juno en la \"General estoria\" de Alfonso X

Women's Studies / Medieval Literature / Political Theory / Medieval Studies / Medieval Historiography / Classical philology / Classical Reception Studies / Reception of Antiquity / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / General Estoria / Ovid Metamorphoses / Reception of Ovid / Classical philology / Classical Reception Studies / Reception of Antiquity / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / General Estoria / Ovid Metamorphoses / Reception of Ovid

Medina, Jaume: De l’Edat Mitjana al dos mil. Estudis sobre la tradició clàssica a Catalunya.

Classics / Reception Studies / Classical philology / Classical Reception Studies / Reception of Antiquity

La Continencia de Escipión. Un episodio entre los límites de lo real y lo legendario

Roman History / Reception of Antiquity / Punic Wars / Second Punic War

Paisajes de Grecia en Walter Benjamin

Philosophy / Reception Studies / Walter Benjamin / Classical Reception Studies / Benjamin, Walter / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Reception of Antiquity / Filosofía / Ancient Greek Culture / Philosophy of history, Philosophy of political action, Walter Benjamin / Walter Benjamín / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Reception of Antiquity / Filosofía / Ancient Greek Culture / Philosophy of history, Philosophy of political action, Walter Benjamin / Walter Benjamín

Una lectura interesada de Catulo (carm. 63): el falso epígrafe de Pasítea a orillas del Tajo (CIL II 97*), in «Ianua Classicorum. Temas y formas del Mundo Clásico», Madrid 2015, vol. III, 363-370

Renaissance Humanism / Latin Epigraphy / Classical Reception Studies / Renaissance antiquarianism / Catullus / Reception of Antiquity / Epigraphic Forgeries / Spanish Humanism / Forgeries, fakes / Reception of Antiquity / Epigraphic Forgeries / Spanish Humanism / Forgeries, fakes

El legado de Tucídides en la cultura occidental. Discursos e historia, Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Clássicos, coll. \"Humanitas Supplementum\" nº 10, 2011.

Ancient History / Greek Literature / History and Classical tradition studies / Ancient Historiography / The Classical Tradition / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages

Una poética del artificio. Técnica literaria y crítica de la \"ficción\" en la Fábula de Faetón del Conde de Villamediana

Mythology / Baroque Art and Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Classical Mythology / Reception of Antiquity / Fiction / Ecphrasis / Mitologia / Fabulas / Fiction / Ecphrasis / Mitologia / Fabulas

« El Juicio de Paris en la \"General estoria\" de Alfonso X: nuevas perspectivas » in : Homo Ludens, Homo Loquens: el juego y la palabra en la Edad Media. Le jeu et la parole au Moyen Âge, UAM Ediciones (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Madrid, 2014, p. 305-319

Philology / Comparative Literature / French Literature / Spanish Literature / Mythology / Classics / Reception Studies / Spanish Studies / Medieval Literature / French Studies / Medieval French Literature / Medieval Studies / Medieval Europe / Medieval Spanish Literature / Classical Reception Studies / Ovid (Classics) / Reception of Antiquity / Ovid Metamorphoses / Ovide moralisé / Reception of Ovid / Troy Studies / Classics / Reception Studies / Spanish Studies / Medieval Literature / French Studies / Medieval French Literature / Medieval Studies / Medieval Europe / Medieval Spanish Literature / Classical Reception Studies / Ovid (Classics) / Reception of Antiquity / Ovid Metamorphoses / Ovide moralisé / Reception of Ovid / Troy Studies

La antropología del De opificio hominis de Gregorio de Nisa en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa - The anthropology of Gregory of Nyssa\'s De opificio hominis in the works of Nicholas of Cusa

Intellectual History / Reception Studies / History of Ideas / Philosophical Anthropology / Patristics / Medieval Studies / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Renaissance Philosophy / Late Antiquity / Philosophy Of Freedom / Gregory of Nyssa / Nicholas of Cusa / Reception of Antiquity / Freedom / Greek Patristics / Medieval Studies / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Renaissance Philosophy / Late Antiquity / Philosophy Of Freedom / Gregory of Nyssa / Nicholas of Cusa / Reception of Antiquity / Freedom / Greek Patristics

Manuel Murguía e a lenda de Breogán

Irish Studies / Celtic Studies / Galician Studies / Reception of Antiquity / Celticism / Galician historiography / Galician History / Irish Pseudohistory / Galician historiography / Galician History / Irish Pseudohistory

La disciplina en el ejército romano a través del cine: de las fuentes clásicas a la recepción actual

Roman History / Film Studies / War Studies / Film and History / Cinema / Roman Army / Classical Reception Studies / Antiquity in Film / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Warfare / Cinema Studies / Roman Warfare / Cinema and History / Peplum Movies Cinema Antiquity / Ejército romano / Cinema and Television / Historia y Cine / Roman Army / Classical Reception Studies / Antiquity in Film / Reception of Antiquity / Ancient Warfare / Cinema Studies / Roman Warfare / Cinema and History / Peplum Movies Cinema Antiquity / Ejército romano / Cinema and Television / Historia y Cine
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